Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We're Pregnant with TWINS!!!!!!!

Hey everyone and welcome to our blog spot! A friend told me about this cool website to blog about our pregnancy and such, and I thought it was a great idea!! Hope you enjoy following us in our pregnancy journey- I'll try to be good about being current and updating regularly :)

So first things first, we are pregnant- and it is TWINS!!!!

See up there (above) !!!
We wanted to wait until we heard heartbeats before we started spreading the great news to everyone! Yesterday was our 2nd doctors appointment since finding out and the hearts were beating 90-nothing, it was wonderful!!! The infertility specialist said I don't need to see him anymore and now I can see my regular OBGYN for the rest of the pregnancy. My next appointment is June 4th, so I'll update everyone again then!
As of this past week, I've started to feel nauseous and very sleepy! I know all this is normal, and I'm not complaining, LOL!
We can't seem to wipe the smirks and grins off our faces, we're just so excited to be pregnant with twins! We're getting around to telling everyone still, and thats a lot of fun!
I'll keep ya'll updated on anything new!
OH- Estimated due date is December 20th-ish!